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Ultimele numere
CAD/CAM international No. 2, 2022
Cover / Editorial / Content / Preferences for xed restorations and resulting impact on the US and European overdenture markets / Global healthcare systems unprepared for another pandemic, research shows / Artificial intelligence may automate design of biomimetic single-tooth prostheses / Dental Thermal App offers “a simple, yet intuitive, clinically based workflow” - An interview with Dr Les Kalman / Both digital and analogue dental workows need to be your best friend! / Help your patients say yes! / Complete rehabilitation with guided surgery: Focus on temporary restoration / Digital procedures for the design of a sequential occlusion in a complex clinical case / A chairside CAD/CAM lithium disilicate block in the hands of the dental technician: Giving that extra touch / Transforming dentistry with groundbreaking technologies - Lifelike restorations with a micro-layer of porcelain / Prof. Rainer Seemann believes that: “Dentsply Sirona World provides a window into the future of dentistry, which is digital” / How 3D printing increases value for your patients / Trends & applications / Manufacturer news / Features / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
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Preferences for xed restorations and resulting impact on the US and European overdenture markets
6 - 8 -
Global healthcare systems unprepared for another pandemic, research shows
10 - 10 -
Artificial intelligence may automate design of biomimetic single-tooth prostheses
12 - 12 -
Dental Thermal App offers “a simple, yet intuitive, clinically based workflow” - An interview with Dr Les Kalman
14 - 15 -
Both digital and analogue dental workows need to be your best friend!
16 - 17 -
Help your patients say yes!
18 - 20 -
Complete rehabilitation with guided surgery: Focus on temporary restoration
21 - 23 -
Digital procedures for the design of a sequential occlusion in a complex clinical case
24 - 33 -
A chairside CAD/CAM lithium disilicate block in the hands of the dental technician: Giving that extra touch
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Transforming dentistry with groundbreaking technologies - Lifelike restorations with a micro-layer of porcelain
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Prof. Rainer Seemann believes that: “Dentsply Sirona World provides a window into the future of dentistry, which is digital”
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How 3D printing increases value for your patients
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Trends & applications
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Manufacturer news
52 - 56 -
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Submission guidelines
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