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CAD/CAM international No. 2, 2021

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CAD/CAM international No. 2, 2021

Cover / Editorial / Content / COVID-19 and the dental market: The pandemic continues to bite / Digital dentistry market: 3D printers and intra-oral scanners drive market growth in Europe / The copyCAD 2: Complete success for a complete denture / Magical All-on-4 / The art of a personalised smile design / Digital vs. analogue workflow on ten ceramic veneers in the maxilla / Industry news / Correction of VDO: Fully digital workflow, integration of dental scanner, DSD and CAD/CAM / Trends & applications / interview: “Digitalisation brings the patient to the dental laboratory with 24/7 availability” / Can we use the word “permanent” when it comes to what we do in dentistry? / Industry news / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission guidelines / International imprint /
